School Policies
School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, or paper copies of any documents please contact the school office.
We have 3 categories of Policy:
- Statutory - covering major strategic areas required by law, as stated by the Government's Statutory Policies for Schools document (November 2019)
- Discretionary - additional policies covering additional areas, not required by law.
- Curriculum- policies on specific subject areas of the curriculum. These are all discretionary.
These policies are specific to Wellgate Primary and can be downloaded here.
Accessibility Plan
Admissions to Primary School Advice
Admissions Policy
Allergy Awareness Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Anti-Radicalisation Policy
Assessment Policy
Attendance Policy
Behavior Policy
Building Security Policy
Charges and Remissions Policy
Complaints Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Dinner Money Debt Policy
Emergency Plan
Equality Policy
Exclusion Arrangements
EYFS Transition Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Inclusion Policy
Intimate Care Policy
Multi-Cultural Policy
Remote Learning Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Separated Parents Policy
SEND Policy
Curriculum Subject Policies
Art and Design Policy
Calculations Policy
Computing Policy
D&T Policy
EYFS Policy
Geography Policy
Handwriting Policy
History Policy
Homework Policy
Maths Policy
MFL Policy
Music Policy
Outdoor Learning Policy
PE Policy
Phonics and Reading Policy
PSHE Policy
Reading Policy
RE Policy
Science Policy
RSE Policy
All other school policies can be found via the ECM Trust Website