Does the school work with outside agencies?
Where necessary, referrals to external agencies will be made for additional assessment, advice and resources that will ensure a child’s needs are met effectively.
The agencies we refer to for support are;
o Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
o Barnsley Educational, Child & Community Psychology Service (BECCPS)
o Barnsley Education Specialist Support Team (BESST). This encompasses Hearing
Impairment, Visual impairment and Social Communication & Interaction.
o Paediatric Therapy
o Children’s Disability Team
o ASD assessment team (ASDAT)
o Community Paediatrics
o Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
We also use the Early Help assessment process to further engage other agencies to ensure that families have access to the correct support. Through this process, referrals are often made for targeted support so that families have access to additional input from family support workers.
We refer to children’s Social Care if we have concerns around the care of a child and feel families require more intensive support.
Where a child is looked after or adopted, we work closely with the relevant agencies.
The agencies we refer to for support are;
o Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
o Barnsley Educational, Child & Community Psychology Service (BECCPS)
o Barnsley Education Specialist Support Team (BESST). This encompasses Hearing
Impairment, Visual impairment and Social Communication & Interaction.
o Paediatric Therapy
o Children’s Disability Team
o ASD assessment team (ASDAT)
o Community Paediatrics
o Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
We also use the Early Help assessment process to further engage other agencies to ensure that families have access to the correct support. Through this process, referrals are often made for targeted support so that families have access to additional input from family support workers.
We refer to children’s Social Care if we have concerns around the care of a child and feel families require more intensive support.
Where a child is looked after or adopted, we work closely with the relevant agencies.