Useful contacts
- Barnsley SENDIASS
The Barnsley SENDIASS Service offers free confidential and impartial information, guidance, advice and support.
Contact number; 01226 787234 Email; [email protected]
Barnsley Local Offer Monthly Drop-in
A chance to chat face to face with SEND services, including; Disabled Children's Team, Parent Participation Officer, FIS, Targeted Youth Support, EHC Team. Find out about support available, get help with a short breaks application, sign up to the Disabled Children's Register or find out about how you can get involved with SEND decision making.
SMILE - Parent / Carer Support Group
SMILE is a free support group run by volunteers, for families who have a child/children with additional needs.
Email; [email protected]
Barnardo’s Family Linx Service
A service supporting families with children who have a diagnosis of Autism or who are on the ASD pathway to a diagnosis, that are aged under 11. The Service offers different areas of support - cygnet parenting programme, one to one targeted support, sleep service and a weekly peer support group.
Telephone; 01226770619