At Wellgate Primary School, we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally (SMSC) plays a significant part in their ability to learn, achieve and be fully prepared for the adult world. We therefore aim to provide an education through a broad and motivating curriculum that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop these aspects of their development, helping them to make better sense of the world.
Spiritual Development
Spiritual development is having a sense of awe and wonder about our world. This can include the religious beliefs of others and ourselves. We enjoy our learning when we can use our imagination and creativity, take the time to reflect on our actions and look for ways we can improve.
How Spiritual Development is promoted in the ethos at WPS:
- School Vision – ‘Learning for Life’
- Inspirational visitors into school.
- Visitors from the local community
- Charity work & fundraising activities
- Whole school assemblies
- Class assemblies
- After school clubs
- Good Learning assembly
- Play leaders
- Marking and Feedback policy/COW time
- Residential Visits
- Educational visits
- Curriculum Topics
- Writing competitions
- Sports Competitions
- Hooks into learning
- Use of Kagan Structures
Moral Development
Moral development is learning about the difference between right and wrong in a range of situations. We also understand how this affects the law. Our behaviour system in school helps us to understand that there will be consequences for our actions. We also learn how to give reasoned views about a range of moral and ethical issues and also understand the viewpoints of others.
How Moral Development is promoted in the ethos at WPS:
- Rights and Responsibilities in class.
- Expectations of behaviour around school
- Problem solving/Investigating
- Whole school assemblies
- Internet Safety lessons/themed days
- Singing in the local community- Showcase, Lights switch on, Church
- School council
- Educational Visits and Residential visits
- Charity work and fundraising – MOTO
- Anti-Bullying lessons/themed days
- Behaviour policy
- Curriculum Topics
- Recycling
Social Development
Social development is how we learn to play and work together to co-operate in groups, classes, year groups and as a whole school community. We learn how to use our social skills in different contexts. Our social development is also about us being willing to participate in activities and being able to resolve conflicts.
How Social Development is promoted in the ethos at WPS:
- School Vision Statement
- Use of Kagan Structures
- Playground leaders
- Munch Bunch Club
- Sports day
- Whole school assemblies
- Class assemblies
- Charity work/fundraising
- Behaviour policy
- After school clubs
- Group work in lessons
- Educational Visits/Residential Trips
- Sports Competitions
- Expectations of Behaviour around school.
Cultural Development
Cultural development is how we learn to understand and accept a range of cultural influences that have shaped our lives. We think about what people did in the past and what happens today. We show enjoyment when learning about other cultures and religions and enjoy experiencing a range of artistic activities such as literature, music and art.
How Cultural Development is promoted in the ethos at WPS:
- Whole school assemblies
- Class assemblies
- Learning and celebrating different religious festivals
- Learning a Foreign language (Y3-6)
- Brass Tuition (Y5)
- Music lessons
- Theatre Productions
- Curriculum Topics
- Educational Visits – Museums
- After School Clubs
- Themed days within school
- Displays around school
Developing SMSC will:
- Enable pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and their self-confidence.
- Enable pupils to distinguish between right and wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law.
- Encourage pupils to accept responsibility for their behaviour and actions.
- Encourage pupils to show initiative and understand how they can contribute to the lives of those in their locality and nationally.
- Encourage pupils to respect the British Values (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs).
- Assist pupils to acquire an appreciation and respect of their own culture.