Mrs Belt - Class Teacher & Early Years Leader Hello! I am Mrs Belt and I am one of the teachers in Foundation 2. I have been teaching for a very long time but have been at Wellgate for nearly eleven years. Early Years is my favourite place in school and I love seeing our youngest children grow to be confident, independent and resilient learners. Helping young children learn to make sense of letters and sounds and become readers is one of the most amazing things about our job. I have one daughter who is at currently at university and she makes me proud every day. We love to go out and about especially for coffee and cake. If I’m ever missing, I will probably be near the sea eating Raspberry Ripple ice cream. I have a season ticket to watch Leeds Rhinos and get especially excited when they win. When I am not watching rugby, I sing in a choir and over the last few years have learned to crochet. I would like to learn more about the Welsh language as it was my grandad’s first language. I can speak a little but not as much as I would like. Diolch yn fawr!
Miss Richardson Hello! I am Miss Richardson and I am one of the teachers in the Marvellous Minibeasts. I am a kind, caring and enthusiastic person. I have been teaching for several years but this is my first year in Foundation 2. I love teaching because every day in the classroom is different. Children have amazing ideas and perspectives and it is fascinating to see how they approach problems and explain concepts in their own words. I enjoy cooking and learning new recipes in my spare time. I also love to watch Three-Day Eventing. I am proud of both of my children and they inspire me to be the best that I can be. My favourite story to read is 'Sharing a Shell' by Julia Donaldson.
Mrs Mason - Teaching Assistant Hello, my name is Mrs Mason and I am proud to work with the Marvellous Minibeasts in F2. I love being part of the Foundation Team and watching the children learn and grow. I think it’s incredibly humbling to see the positive difference I make to the lives of the children in my class. My favourite children’s book to read is ‘Room on the Broom,’ – you’re never too old to enjoy the magic in a story. You can often find me out in the wilderness, walking my beloved dog. I also love spending my time with my nieces and nephews and being part of their world. My family is very important to me, especially my dad who is my biggest inspiration. I enjoy learning about people, places and music. I would love to be able to learn to speak another language fluently one day. I do have a GCSE in Spanish but can barely string a sentence together with it. Developing this skill is definitely on my to-do list.
Miss Cawthorne - Teaching Assistant Hello, I’m Miss Cawthorne and I love being part of the Wellgate team. I have worked in Early Years at Wellgate for a long time and love supporting the Marvellous Minibeasts in F2. I love everything about working with children especially seeing them blossom and sharing with them about all their different interests and hobbies. I have a beautiful little girl, who I am incredibly proud of. She’s got an amazing character and every moment with her is incredible and unique. I love baking and can’t wait until she is old enough to learn to bake some of my favourite recipes with me.
Mrs Guest - Teaching Assistant Hello, my name is Mrs Guest. I would describe myself as a kind, honest and friendly person who loves working in education. I recently joined Wellgate and the Marvellous Minibeasts in F2. I can’t wait to share with the children my favourite book, The Gruffalo and see the smiles on their faces. I love to see the children I work with learn and develop. I have two lovely children and I am so very proud of them and all their achievements big or small. My family are very important to me and I love that most of them still live in the area I grew up in. I love learning new skills and would really like to learn sign language. I don’t speak any other languages but you never know what’s round the corner.
Mrs Carr - Teaching Assistant Hello, my name is Mrs Carr and I am a new member of Team Wellgate and the Marvellous Minibeasts in F2. I would describe myself as creative, caring and hard-working. I enjoy being part of a child's learning journey and watching them grow. When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my family, especially my two boys, at our caravan by the sea. I love Strawberry ice-cream and enjoy baking and arts and crafts. I enjoy learning new skills and can communicate using Makaton. When I was little there was a wood behind my back garden which made for great adventures.
Miss Nicholson - Teaching Assistant Hello, I am Miss Nicholson and I am a also new member of Team Wellgate and the Marvellous Minibeasts in F2. I love working in Early Years and watching the children grow and develop. I am friendly, organised and outgoing. The people who most inspire me are my Mum and Dad. My favourite hobby is going the gym and I am enjoying learning Spanish at the moment. I like Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Brownie ice cream. I am proud of my exam results and feel lucky to have grown up around such beautiful countryside.
Days to remember...
Please return your reading books to school
PE - Please come to school in your PE kit.
New reading books, sound sheets and lesson links sent home
What do we learn about in Class F2SB/AR?
Each day we will complete our Phonics, Maths, Topic and Story lessons.
Autumn Term Text Drivers – The Little Red Hen, Pumpkin Soup, The Best Diwali Ever, The Christmas Story
Communication & Language - Listening carefully and talking about and retelling stories Personal, Social & Emotional - Becoming familiar with routines, exploring emotions and feelings Physical Development - Movement Skills and developing Fine Motor Skills Literacy - Learning to read and write single letter sounds, Fred Games Mathematics - Counting and subitising numbers and amounts Understanding the World - Talking about our families, exploring the natural world, finding out about traditions and celebrations Expressive Arts & Design - Developing storylines in pretend play, listening and responding to different styles of music, creating pictures and models using a range of materials
Continuous Provision – Role Play, Small World, Building Blocks, Funky Fingers, Writing, Drawing, Sensory, Reading Corner, Sand, Water, Playdough, Imagination Station, Lego Models, Mindfulness, Maths and Number, Games and Turn taking, Junk Modelling.
Cultural Capital - How do we celebrate Harvest, Diwali, Christmas, World Nursery Rhyme Week During this term, we will be reading many stories, rhymes and poems including: The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks & the three bears, Room on the Broom, After the Storm, Coming Home, Stickman
Spring Term Text Drivers – There's a pig up my nose, Real Superheroes, Once There Were Giants, A House that Once Was Communication & Language - Using new talk and vocabulary to help work out problems, asking questions to find out more, talking about Non-Fiction books Personal, Social & Emotional - Building constructive relationships with each other, managing our own hygiene needs including cleaning our teeth Physical Development - Develop our fine motor skills and use tools, Travel in different ways and develop skills when playing with balls Literacy - Begin to read simple phrases and recognise a few exception words. Write short sentences, spelling cimple words Mathematics - Using fives frames, composition of numbers, positional language and money Understanding the World - Talking about our families, exploring the natural world, seasonal changes, recognising that people have different believes Expressive Arts & Design - Developing Singing in a group or on their own with some matching of pitch, create collaboratively - sharing ideas, resources and skills
Continuous Provision – Role Play, Small World, Building Blocks, Funky Fingers, Writing, Drawing, Sensory, Reading Corner, Sand, Water, Playdough, Imagination Station, Lego Models, Mindfulness, Maths and Number, Games and Turn taking, Junk Modelling.
Cultural Capital - Visits from different occupations including the Police and Dentist, Visit to Kelham Island Museum During this term, we will be reading many stories, rhymes and poems including: One Snowy Night, Little Chick, The Gingerbread Man, The Storm Whale, The Runaway Wok, Paper Dolls, One Springy Day, Somebody Swallowed Stanley, Tiddler
Summer Term Text Drivers – Oliver's Vegetables, Little Sunflower, The Everywhere Bear, Martha Maps it out
Communication & Language - Share their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences, Connect ideas or actions using a range of connectives in speech Personal, Social & Emotional - See themselves as a valuable individual, Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing Physical Development - Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in activities that involve a ball. Using small and large apparatus with confidence. Develop small motor skills so they can use a range of tools competently and safely. Literacy - Read some 'special friends', Read simple phrases and sentences, re-read books to build up confidence, Write simple phrases and sentence that can be read by others, using a full stop and capital letter. Mathematics - Understanding numbers to 10, automatic recall of pattern within numbers to 10, subitising on a rekenrek, 2D and 3D shape, length and distance Understanding the World - Describe what they see hear and feel while outside, Recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live Expressive Arts & Design - Listen attentively to music, express their feelings and responses, explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups. Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings. Continuous Provision – Role Play, Small World, Building Blocks, Funky Fingers, Writing, Drawing, Sensory, Reading Corner, Sand, Water, Playdough, Imagination Station, Lego Models, Mindfulness, Maths and Number, Games and Turn taking, Junk Modelling. Cultural Capital - Visits from the Fire Service, Picnic in Mapplewell Park, Sports Day During this term, we will be reading many stories, rhymes and poems including: Jack and the Beanstalk, Tad, Superworm, Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell, Burglar Bill, The Gruffalo, Mr Gumpy's Outing, What the Ladybird Heard, Handa's Surprise,
You can see our learning by visiting our Foundation 2 Blog