Hello, my name is Miss Nowshirvani and I have the privilege of teaching Team Confident in Year One this year. I have worked at Wellgate for twelve years and this is my first year teaching in Year One. I have spent lots of time working with Year One over the last eight years as part of my role as Key Stage One Phase Leader. This year, I am looking forward to seeing 1PN grow and enjoy their learning and the challenges they are given. I strive to help all children to aim to be the best that they can be which makes it the most rewarding job. I am inspired by my family and people who make a difference in their own way, especially those who are selfless and passionate. My favourite hobby is going to the theatre to watch a musical - if I wasn't a teacher (and could sing), I would definitely be on the stage. I can be found in a theatre most months! I love the colour purple and enjoy eating coffee flavoured ice cream!
Miss Butler- Teaching Assistant
Hello, my name is Mrs Butler and I am excited to be working in Year One this year. I have worked in EYFS, Year Two and Year One before! I love my job because I get a sense of achievement when I help children to make progress and achieve something they are putting their minds to. I really enjoy being crafty and have many different projects on the go. Learning to drive has been my biggest accomplishment so far. If I could learn new skills myself, it would be something about technology as I know this would be useful.
Miss Beasley - Teaching Assistant
Hello, my name is Miss Beasley and I work in Year 1. I am so proud to be joining the Year 1 team. I loving watching children in class grow and succeed in their learning and I am looking forward to being part of their school journey at Wellgate. I enjoy learning different languages and speak both English and Spanish. I’m hoping to learn more about Makaton so I can further support any children with communication needs.
Miss Hopkinson - Teaching Assistant
Hello, my name is Miss Hopkinson and I am one of the Teaching Assistants in Year One. This is my first time working in Year One at Wellgate. I am determined, supportive and caring and I love my job looking after the children in my care. My parents have always inspired me to work to the best of my ability and I certainly do this within my job. I am very proud of the achievements the children make and love to see this each day. I am personally proud of my own achievement of dancing in the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool. I love reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. I love listening to music and my favourite song is 'Sweet Caroline'. I am also able to play the flute and the recorder.
Mrs Allott - Teaching Assistant
Hello, my name is Mrs Allott and I am excited to be working in Year One this year. I love my job because I get a sense of achievement when I help children to make progress and achieve something they have found difficult. I am most proud of my family and enjoy spending quality time with them. My favourite country to visit is Greece because I love the food – especially the cheeses and olive bread! I love the colour aquamarine and eating out in restaurants.
Mrs Hallam - Teaching Assistant
Hello, my name is Mrs Hallam and I am very lucky to have been given a job at such a lovely school. I work across both Year One classes and love each new day supporting such enthusiastic children. I enjoy education because there are always new things to discover and learn – education allows us all to do this. I love to learn about lots of things but I specialise in music and find it fascinating learning about Ancient History. I find it interesting how things came to be. One of my favourite subjects is Egyptology. I grew up in Carnlough, a quiet little village on the coast of Northern Ireland. It has a lovely beach, beautiful green fields and a little harbour where Sammy the Seal lives! I have many hobbies including playing in my band, playing on the Xbox and reading fantasy novels.
Days to remember...
Monday - PE Thursday - Reading Passport and reading books to be returned to class Friday - Maths homework set on Seesaw or sent home Friday - New reading books sent home
What do we learn about in Class 1PN?
Each day, we will complete our Reading, Writing and Maths lessons.
Autumn Term Science – The Human Body, Weather and Seasons History – Changes within living memory Art – Artist Study- Henri Matisse Design and Technology (DT) – Structures Geography – Weather Reporting and Seasonal Changes Religious Education (RE) – Christianity Computing – Technology Around Us Physical Education (PE) – Invasion Games & Dance Music – Introducing Beat & Adding Rhythm and Pitch Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education (PSHEE) – Healthy Lifestyles, Mental Health, Family and Positive Close Relationships, Safe Relationships & Respecting Self and Others
During this term, we will be reading many texts including: Ruby’s Worry, Biscuit Bear, Avocado Baby, Man on the Moon, Traction Man
Spring Term Science – Everyday Materials & Animals inc. Humans (Animals) History – Toys - Past and Present Art – Painting - Yoyoi Kusama Design and Technology (DT) – Structures Geography – Using and constricting Maps (basic symbols) Religious Education (RE) – Christianity Computing – Creating Media - Digital Writing Physical Education (PE) – Gymnastics & Net and Wall Skills Music – Introducing Tempo and Dynamics & Combining Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education (PSHEE) – Keeping Safe, Communities, Medial Literacy and Digital Resilience, Friendships, Managing Hurtful Behaviour and Bullying & Feelings and Emotions
Summer Term Science – Plants & Seasonal Changes (Spring/Summer) History – Toys - Significant Individual- Helen Sharman Art – Drawing - Observational Drawing Design and Technology (DT) – Cooking & Nutrition - Fruit Salad Geography – Countried of the UK & Capital Cities Religious Education (RE) – Judaism Computing – Programming - Moving a Robot & Robot Algorithms Physical Education (PE) – Athletics & Striking and Fielding Games Music – Having Fun with Improvisation & Exploring Sound and Creating a Story Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education (PSHEE) – Shared Responsibilities, Economic Wellbeing: Money, Aspirations, Work and Career, Ourselves, Growing and Changing & Drugs (medicine)
You can see our learning by visiting our YEAR 1 blog.